Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. makes talent search and audition finding simpler - Talent, Agency, and Audition Search

Talent Rejoice

Models, Actors, Singers, Dancers, Rappers, Kids, Pets, anyone who believes they are talented can try to make the list. Talentlist was developed originally as a Model Portfolio site featured only image's and due to the flexibility of Drupal modules it was able to expand to another level. Now all talented people can feature their images, video, and audio for the world to experience.

Aggregator for Webmaster is a news aggregator for Webmasters, powered by Drupal, using FeedAPI Module - Golf Social Networking and Community

Update: has been renamed to, it's the exact same site, just a new domain name. is a golf social network focusing on the interaction of golf instructors and students BUT is also open and free to all golf enthusiast. It has many of the familiar SNS functionality such as relationship building (friends, students and instructors), activity feeds and posting, status updates and so on.

In essence, is a handicap tracker with Social Network functionally built-in to allow better communication/interaction with other members. Screenshots can be seen here: Screen Captures

Core Site Objectives

World Wide golf instructor database with Google maps integration.
World Wide golf course database with Google maps integration.
Golf stats tracking (handicap, pars, birdies … etc)
SNS/Community website (increase interaction between members)

Some User Functionality

Employment Verification Resources, Inc. gets her much needed Drupal makeover.

Employment Verification Resources, Inc. has been running on Drupal for a few years now; I just finally got a chance to update the install and theme this week.

EVRI® is a nationwide company offering client-specific I-9 compliance support services.

Sugar! Weddings

Hi everyone,

All feedback appreciated. S u g a r ! W e d d i n g s has been up and running about a year and a half and was recently upgraded to d6. Modules used include, views, cck, pathauto, simplenews, image,image attach, imagecache, image gallery, mollom, lightbox...etc.

Thanks in advance!

Web Design Agency relaunch website using Drupal

We are big lovers of Drupal, every website we create will be in our favourite content management system.

So it was about time we redesigned our own site using Drupal 6, utilising the power of CCK, Views, Panels, and many more fantastic modules from the community.

Would love to hear peoples thoughts...

Web Design from Explosive Designs -


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