Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

just using garland, but a very nice for begining

love the all in one profile, blog, forum, and web page, management. very easy to install. and configure. I made a logo icon with transparent background, but IE shows a white background of course. changed header to white BG, then you could not see the site name in IE, of course.

I don't have much content yet, but just starting out.

very nice and easy to work with

Daily Webmaster news aggregator

I just re launch my portal website with Drupal, its an aggregator news from many official blog like Google, Yahoo, Drupal etc

The website are powered by Drupal 5 and the excellent FeedAPI module, theme design originaly by themesnap and i am using some modification in layout.

I will add more Feed and more news and tutorials, i begin some tutorials/howtos writing about Drupal and search engines, i will post soon...

If you have a Webmaster oriented blog or website don't be shy! register and add your blog/website RSS feed link.

Crowd translation powered by Drupal - how far can we go?

Firstly I'm a team of the team for the site - so, a bit of self-promotion here might be...

Translia ( is the first online translation website that implements crowd sourcing business module by a real meaning. Typically crowd sourcing means a mass of people, each working on a smaller part of the job, together deliver a larger job and achieve better quality, quick turnaround and lower cost.

The major challenges in designing a crowd translation sites include

  • Automating the translation business and production process that traditionally involves a lot of human attendance.
  • Enabling translators, who usually work alone, to collaborate with each other.

To address these issues we adopted Drupal and built the site in the two directions:

Translation process automation that involves the following modules,

  • Workflow, Workflow field
  • Messaging and notifications
  • Ubercar
  • Userpoints

We developed a couple of modules for meeting the unique requirements set by the project. For example, measuring the contribution of each member to a job.

Community and social network features that are based the core or contributed modules such as

  • Forum
  • Profiles
  • Facebook-style status
  • Invite

The Capuleno's Website - My Drupal site and my first theme created from scratch.

Any comments or suggestion to improve my website is gladly accepted -
Installed with module mollom, paggear, cssgzip, javascript aggregator. I created the theme from scratch, this is my first try to create a theme for drupal.

I made this as a fun website designed to be a homepage for someone who wants a little extra dose of entertainment in their day. I update it every day with something new, and I've gotten some good reviews! Check it out!

I chose drupal because of all of the different features that save so much money and time. If I need to customize something I just go in and edit some code and it's there! I love it!

Only local images are is the 3rd Drupal production site I've done, and by far the most complex. My client, the Alliance for California Traditional Arts wanted to renovate their site to a database driven structure. Much of what this organization is about has to do with mini-grants and showcasing their grantees. They wanted the end-user to be able to search a substantial database of artists and organizations categorized by geography, art form, and ethnicity. Drupal's taxonomy structure was ideal for this type of content categorization and I used faceted search to accomplish the filtering.

The other key function of the site is to feature events - broken down into 3 types: ongoing exhibits, one-time events, and funding deadlines. For this I used the event module as a backbone and created 2 additional content types - then created 3 separate calendar pages and blocks with the views module.


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