Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. - Horror movie review website, Drupal style!

Hey Gang!

I just wanted to share my site with you folks, considering that many here were integral in the building of it thanks to their great advice, tips, and just plain know-how!

The site is, and it's a site I've run since 2002. Drupal has not only made it a much more functional and attractive site, but it's reignited my passion for running it, and made updating it a breeze!!

Just wanted to share another one of my projects

I was able to implement something i was trying to accomplish for quite some time, it actually turned out to be a bit easy.

It's like this: make an entry, show the picture of the author next to the node, show a thumbnail on the right side in the teaser and in full view, show a big image if there is.

The site will be devoted to reviewing free software, applications and programs, the content is in Spanish/Enligsh.


How do i create a script that sends sms's using hardcore programming with php

My First Drupal site - ...Finally after 4 months of developing and learning!!!

Let me hear you feedback... This is really a testing / sanbox site for me. I just wanted to learn how drupal works, so far so good. I got some great help from the community and some I just had to figure on my own. Some quirks, buggy things but over all a great CMS. Hows the saying go, what doesnt kill you will only make you stronger. Well figuring out some this system (which at times was killing me)....makes me a stronger designer /developer!!!

my site

This site is my personal blog. I am using it as a sounding board to write down my experiences and document my mistakes while learning Drupal so I have a written record to look back on.


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