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Premium Note Cards from Independent Artist

A long time ago, people used to hand write each other notes to say thank you, get well, or congratulations. They sent them through the mail with "stamps". Very 20th century, I know! Seriously, loved ones, friends and business acquaintances really love receiving personalized handwritten notes.

My new collection of cards is now for sale online with a Drupal 6 and Ubercart 2 store.

Artist Note Cards

There's only one set of cards for sale now, but I plan to add more soon.

Case Study: Fight Back! Newspaper Re-Launched Using Drupal

Screen capture of front page on the new websiteFight Back! is a grassroots newspaper that exists to build the people's struggle and “provides coverage and analysis of some of the key battles facing working and low-income people”. The newspaper was founded in 1999 by a core of activists who wanted an independent publication to help with their organizing efforts for social justice, peace, and equality. Ten years and nearly two thousand articles later, an all-volunteer staff and dozens of correspondents across the country report (in English and Spanish) from the front lines of the most important struggles facing working and oppressed peoples in the United States and internationally.

The new Fight Back! website, which launched on September 27, is built in Drupal 6.

Cookbook / blog

I always used wordpress (and never liked that much) for blogs but this time I needed some more flexibility especially regarding image handling/thumbnailing. is a personal recipes collection. Each recipe has a main picture that is shown in the front page and in node view, but I also have a smaller version for taxonomy pages (eg: tomatoes) and for a mobile version (to come). All the magic is done by imagecache which I totally felt in love with. Lightbox2 also was a nice touch to show the step-by-step instructions for each recipe.

Since the larger number of recipes are italian and have italian titles, it was crucial to have an english counterpart subtitle. So thanks to CCK I added a text field (subtitle) which is always printed under the node title. CCK is also used for "Ingredients" and "Method" fields. Page_title was handy for adding the subtitle to the "title" tag for SEO.

My Tennis Website.... Honest critique

Hey guys with your help i've some how managed to get my site up and running. It's a tennis site where I blog about what goes on in the tennis world and update people on the news and the scores. The only problem I have at the current moment is the discoloration of the buttons if your a member of my site all the coloring is there it's just when your visiting my site and it asks you to register or login to comment or something there is like a bit of gray that shows.

Thanks In advanced - Ranking with impact is a free Website Directory. The different to others is: Members take impact on the position of their websites.

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