Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

think-a-doo approach to managing a brand consultancy online - using Drupal

When the vibrant on-line agency think-a-doo started it's operations last month, they had to choose a collaboration platform to support team communication and creativity.

The criteria they applied to make their decision where:

1. The system must be read write web or WEB2
2. The system must be able to expand to infinite customer projects and separate them in a well defined security model
3. The system must support open communication with the client as part of the team
4. The system must support the SCRUM project management methodology
5. The system must support security for well defined rolls and responsibilities
6. It must be simple to install per project
7. It must allow comprehensive before, during and after project contact with the customer

The team chose Drupal!

It chose Servage as a hosting partner with stable Drupal 6 auto installs -

Within minutes from making the decision the team had their primary collaboration space up and running.

Half an hour later their first project site was launched.

Drupal Distro Watch

Hi people!

We are working on a community-powered news, rating and review service dedicated to helping you find your Drupal distributions. If you'd like to have your (favourite) distribution listed on, please contact us.

This site is a Work-in-Progress, we used D6 with the following modules cck / views / pathauto / ImageAPI / ImageCache among others. For now we use the Waffles theme, but we are slowly redesigning the theme.

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A friend and I have decided to create a social experiment. We are calling it REGURGE.NET - The News Made Palatable. The idea is an "open source" (Creative Commons) news blog where you not only read the news, but you may write it as well. It is open to anyone. Just sign up and start blogging. There are rules, for example we do ask that members not write more than one story per day. The blogs also shoiuld be news, or opinions about the news (what one had for dinner is not news).

Just launched my new Personal Blog at

Finally I have a working blog site at

It was not that difficult to build, however I did encounter a few irritations, till I found a workable solution especially for the photo albums. If you read through my blog posts, you will get to know about the additions I made to the site every now and again.

The following is a list of currently used non-core modules:

Newsletter Engine

hey everybody,

i would like to ask if there is a newsletter engine in drupal that would send a newsletter to all the registered members and which one is the best

thank you very much :D - Ultimate Office Solutions


Just launched my first Drupal site last week - - the client is Ultimate Office Solutions, a small boutique company providing serviced offices in Sydney, Australia. They are really happy with Drupal so far and planning to add more modules in the future.


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