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Building a Conference Website and Giving It All Away: How It Was Done at DrupalCampLA 2009

DrupalCampLA Homepage The Drupal community is alive with meetups, user groups, and camps. However, there isn't a published formula on using Drupal to accomplish the needs of a large meetup, camp, or convention. This By Them worked with LA Drupal organizers to design and develop what we hope will be a useful camp formula for others, available for download under the GPL. was built on Drupal 6 using core & contributed modules to handle event registration, sponsorship management, featured speakers, user bio's, and session proposals. The website features an attendee driven event schedule where members propose sessions and only registered members pick which sessions they'd like to see (in the BarCamp style). Planning the schedule for the day of events has been made flexible enough to allow organizers to maintain a master schedule with ease. Not to mention that all attendees get their own schedule view with the sessions they pick. Our 3 Year Drupal Adventure Our 3 Year Drupal Adventure

We recently re-launched my wife's "Recipe Blog" and I thought it would be a great opportunity to reflect on our experience with Drupal as well as detailing some of our miss-steps. Hopefully our feedback can be useful to the community, especially those on the fence in regards to using Drupal (jump in!) as well as those just beginning a Drupal website (learn from out mistakes!).

Things that grind my gears

After a week or so of learning drupal and making everything work, I am almost ready to "officially" launch the site. Actually, all that's left is moving it to a faster server (godaddy is too slow.)

The idea came from watching Family Guy, and hearing Peter Griffin rant about things that really grind his gears. I've been using that phrase every since the episode originally aired, and decided to make a site out of it.

Bertie Blackman -

Bertie Blackman is an Australian singer/song writer.

Need some drupal love at

I'm looking to launch at and wondered if the Drupal community that I admire, respect, and fear (at least their opinions of my measly site...) could give me some insight into what i can do better. Social News in NYC, Curated by and for New Yorkers (, New York City's first social news site, launched this summer. I am extremely grateful to the Drupal community for all the great modules that have allowed me to put the site together.


The goal was for the site to be kind of like a localized New York City version of Digg or Reddit. Rather than using the editor curator approach -- like Huffington Post -- all the users of the site are New Yorkers that submit NYC-related stories and vote up and down on them to get them to the front page. The site also allows users to publish their own blog posts into the news stream, so it also has the potential to become a place for community journalism.


Admin Menu
Image API
Login Toboggan
FCK Editor
Nice Menus
Quick Tabs
User Karma
Extra Voting Form­s
Voting API

We also used one custom module (created by ivanSF) that allowed for the node type "story" to be automatically entered into the channel of upcoming drigg-node types, which are referred to as "scoops." The beauty of this feature is that it allows a New Yorker with an interesting/important story to use our platform for both publishing and distribution, rather than having to put together their own blog and regularly update it.



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