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GMap + Views + Mailhandler + custom code = result!

Live blogs from teams driving from London to Ulaan Baatar to raise money for charity, posted via email or SMS message including the GPS coordinates -

Created using GMap to draw the map, Mailhandler to pick up the texts from email or an SMS-to-email service, Views to create the blog list and some custom PHP to glue it all together.


NCI - a vehicle comparison website - my first solo project

New Car Info was my first solo Drupal project. It allows users to compare vehicle specifications, prices and information simultaneously - which is particularly useful when looking to purchase a new vehicle.

To achieve this I developed a comparison tool alongside the standard Drupal installation and then included the relevant PHP code in each page or panel. This isn't ideal but saved me having to create a custom module which was above my capabilities.

Thanks again to drupal. another opensource content management system community web is opensource content management social network, users and companies can register and they can add their portfolio of projects and themes etc., every cms has its own home page like, here you can browse various latest things related to that particular cms. CMS Demos are under construction.

visit :

your feedback will be really appreciated.

CMSBAG WEbmaster

Bike Walk Twin Cities

Bike Walk Twin Cities (BWTC) is part of a federal initiative, the Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program to increase biking and walking, and decrease driving.

Bike Walk Twin Cities came to Gorton Studios needing to create a one-stop shop for information about Twin Cities biking & walking that played well with like-minded organizations. The site needed to be easy to administer and extend as additional activities and information became available. BWTC acts as the information and community hub for increasing biking and walking throughout the Twin Cities.

Science Museum of Minnesota: Drupal / Tessitura Integration

The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) is a large regional science museum located on the banks of the Mississippi River in downtown St. Paul. SMM's programs combine research and collection facilities, a public science education center, extensive teacher education and school outreach programs, and an Imax Convertible Dome Omnitheater. They provide science education to an audience of more than a million people per year.


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