The primary question is:
What should I do next?
Here is an interesting idea:
The user will ultimately build a development site by posting suggestions to the webmaster-Me.
No login is necessary.
Just post a link to what module I should install, or maybe a comment as to what direction I should take this site.
Update 11/16: A site I started five moths ago. It began as a fresh install, no content, blue garland theme, one question. I've added several articles since then, and have added quite a few modules for functionality.
Modules installed:
Administration Menu
Front Page
CCK w/ content copy, content permissions, text, numbers, etc enabled
child modules: feed field, fieldgroup, filefield, imagefield, link, node reference.
Cache Static
Chaos Tools (required by panels)
Child modules: Page manager, Views Content Panes
All core modules such as tracker (may replace with tracker2), profile, poll, etc enabled
Spam Control with captcha
Date Api and its child modules
Feed Api
Child: feedapi node, simplepie parser
Feed Api Addon