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our latest website, Artist Residence Hotel and Art Gallery


We have worked with Justin from Artist Residence for quite a while now. We did some theming for his website which was accomplished using Drupal 5x.

We were really keen to work with him and his Hotel and Art Gallery project and we proposed recently an update to the new 6x core of Drupal, as well as updating the theme and some of the old contributed modules. The following is the result of our update to the Artist Residence Hotel and Art Gallery website.


  • Clear, modern, attractive design
  • Easier user/admin interface
  • Scalable to other mini-sites
  • Better social network integration
  • Better performance in search engines


The main goal was to update the previous look of the website. The client wanted a better performance of the site on search engines and more conversions from the site. Also they were opening another branch of the business. The client wanted to set a mini-site for the new opening.


We used a customised version of the 960 grid system to create the layout. The colour palette was the product of communication with the client. We used white and clear greys with bright purple and green. A new version of their logo was also created for the project.


Tantalum - Raw Materials and Processing

A port of legacy HTML website to Drupal 6 using Zen theme: - Jewelry Site

Here's a site I'm almost finished with:

I've been very pleased with the availability of high-quality Drupal modules to achieve almost any functionality I can dream up. I really like the look and feel of '' and so incorporated many of the same UI touches in my own site.

Looking for examples of social/professional networks

We've recently lanuched and would like to incorporate a really nice and simple discussion forum. We're looking for examples and suggestions as to what are our best options. Thanks! Rich Neumann coFounder The Biz ConneXion

Broken Faith a World of Warcraft Guild

My World of Warcraft Guild's website is: This is a Drupal page that shows the potential that WoW guild's have when utilizing Drupal. There is just one problem that I have ran into with Drupal.


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