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advice for a homoeopathy website


I am developing a website for my company Soul and Mind Clinic. Its a homoeopathy clinic where i wish to promote the educate the pupil about the benefits of homoeopathy and give them treatment through online.

I am myself a doctor and like to receive advices and guidelines for making my website.

you can visit

My Portfolio Site Redesign:

So It was quite a hefty redesign for me, but it's finally up!!!
any comments or suggestions are very welcome.

The only change I want to make soon, is maybe resize it a little bit smaller...
other than that, what do you think?

thanks for the comments!

My web technology site

After having my domain for 2 years without really doing something on it. I started my own "blog", if you can call it that, last week. You can find at It's in english and i've allready written a couple of articles on it. Two are about Drupal, the first is about what you need when you write a module and the second is a preview to Drupal 7.

I completed my own theme today, before it was the Acquia theme. I started out with the Zen theme I changed it mostly with CSS. Since I have only started at it today, I can't really call it finished but it's a good theme to start with.

I've used Drupal since I have been using at my work for the Intranet for a year or 2. It was a steep learning curve but I think I've found my way in it.

The site is in Drupal 6, Drupal 5 wasn't really an option, because you have enough modules and support for it at this time.

The modules I have used are:

  • Addtoany: it's always nice if you have your links scattered across a couple of sites.
  • Admin menu: I worked a while without it, but it's so much handier if you got it.
  • Adsense: If you want to use Adsense, use this.
  • CCK: It's a have to have, but I'm not really using it at the moment.

New site: Electronic Thinking | Technical skills for practical people is a new site that helps you learn about electronics, programming, and precision metalwork as a hobby or to create and market your own inventions.

Two Drupal CODER Wallpaper

Two wallpaper named Drupal CODER. I do these for myself, maybe you like and use. Here's an URL.

Resolution : 1680x1050

Taxonomy todo module

Hello everyone.

I've created simple Drupal 6 module to maintain a todo list using taxonomy and node titles. Here comes the module tarball and a short description: .


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