Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Jogos online

More cooperation to a customer.

This site was built on Jogos de meninas using Drupal 6.

The intention of this site is to attract casual players, that when you have time available to play great games interesting and fun Internet.

In addition you can find:

Like FmyLife.....

Just like fmylife no registration or logging in is required. Also instead of Today the user can select when it happen like Yesterday, Month Ago, and so on.

Modules Used


Check it out

Drigg Driven Website

Tried my hands on Drigg module, it rocks !!! here is what I come up with in a single day effort

Suggestions welcome what else can be done.

Interested in buying this site's code and db? Contact me

Advice Website

Hello this is an advice website that I have been building for a few months now.

A few modules that I use on the site in general are:
Christmas Snow (for the effects)
PM Lite
Nodes as block

Every time you click a user's advice you get redirected to a page that has these contents:
Right Side (content ad)
Advice Category (theme editing)
Users can then comment "posting advice" to other users who ask the advice.

Few pictures/words are available on certain pages, for example:
When a user ask an advice, they see an image that gives them tips on asking the advice.
This image is only viewable on that page only.

Another example is when a user answer an advice they see a text, that gives them tips on answering the advice.

When a user submits a content "advice" this content is automatically publish to the front page.

In general this website is build from the points module. Every time a user ask an advice, they lose "-1 points" when a user gives an advice they earn "+3 points".

The website is also based on articles submitted by certain users on the site.

When you click on each category on the website, you are directed to a different section of the site that gives you other users that has posted under this category.

Listing of Drupal case studies?

Is there a listing of drupal case studies?

On this page there are some nice examples, but the only one with a link to an actual case study is The Observer. The rest are just links to sites. On this page, there's not even a link to the PopSci case study, even though that's a good one.

I'm especially looking for a list of drupal 6 case studies.


Worst Show On the Strip (Las Vegas)

WorstShowOnTheSTRIP ( (beta)

A site a friend and I made for our Las Vegas podcast that showcases the worst shows in Las Vegas.

Nothing really special from a Drupal standpoint. Mostly relies on CCK and Views.

Next step is to install a player so podcasts can stream on the page, clean up a few layout things below the fold and set up user accounts.

But it's fun even with the work left to be done.


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