Hello this is an advice website that I have been building for a few months now.
A few modules that I use on the site in general are:
Christmas Snow (for the effects)
PM Lite
Nodes as block
Every time you click a user's advice you get redirected to a page that has these contents:
Right Side (content ad)
Advice Category (theme editing)
Users can then comment "posting advice" to other users who ask the advice.
Few pictures/words are available on certain pages, for example:
When a user ask an advice, they see an image that gives them tips on asking the advice.
This image is only viewable on that page only.
Another example is when a user answer an advice they see a text, that gives them tips on answering the advice.
When a user submits a content "advice" this content is automatically publish to the front page.
In general this website is build from the points module. Every time a user ask an advice, they lose "-1 points" when a user gives an advice they earn "+3 points".
The website is also based on articles submitted by certain users on the site.
When you click on each category on the website, you are directed to a different section of the site that gives you other users that has posted under this category.