Mac Geekery ( is up and live on 4.5. Overall, for this programmer/hacker, this was a breeze to setup and is wonderful. Thank you all for this CMS, really. Everyone working on this project has done an exceptional job.
About the Install
MG is running Drupal 4.5 with a few extra modules to make it perfect. I wrote the theme as a PHP theme rather than xtemplate because there are some things you just can't do in templates. With this method I am able to make just about anything happen on the site. It makes me miss Smarty a bit less (though that's my next mountain to climb).
Today I've finished moving the site of Kayak and Canoe Club Wageningen "De Bovenste Polder" to Drupal, from a self-baked template solution ! In a couple of days, I'll post about some issues I ran into on the way, but for now, I just want to express a BIG THANKS to everyone who helped creating this software ! The concepts are great, the code is clean, the themes are clean too.
Integrated with a large German language portal about Diabetes Mellitus, this site features Drupal for its forum implementation. The main portal is based on the non-open source, but PHP/MySQL-based content management system SixCMS.
Free/open software allows for the bottom-up creation of a relational donation network and I am working hard on getting a new service up and running (based on Drupal) to truly realize this. A more official post about this service will be made some other time, but for now you can already see the testing version of this service in action. This is an early version, because I have many more ideas, but at least the first release has all the required base functionality to later build further upon. Basically Donorge wants new and more effective donation powers to become a reality for reasons and interests going beyond software alone. Realizing this so far has been possible for me to do thanks to (most importantly) Drupal.
When you support something financially with donations, you support it because you believe it serves an interest in relation to you or another interest. For a long time I have kept the development of this project completely for myself, because I wanted Donorge to have a solid base and above all: have it really working (not just having ideas, but to have a complete working concept). Donorge is now arriving at the point where it can go into the open and I look forward to it's future. I look forward to helping Drupal with donations, I look forward to helping anyone with donations and I look forward to helping evolve the general shared interest behind Donorge of donations. From Donorge it's perspective, the true value of donations go beyond free/open software and are about supporting the growing of human ideas and supporting humans themselves.
I'd like to announce a new Drupal community and documentation project, Purdue University's Open Source Development and Documentation Project (OSDDP). Sponsored by the Professional Writing Program at Purdue, OSDDP is a community of almost 200 instructors and students from business and professional writing classes working together on a variety of projects: