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Anime Community Drupal website

I just opened up my anime community-oriented website which uses Drupal 4.4.2. I modified the xtemplate a lot, and I hope you can join our community!

My new Drupal powered site

I've been working on my site, for about a month now and it looks about how I want it. I added a bunch of modules including the event module, image, and forums, as well as two custom built modules, my comics module and mailing list module. The event module was also modified to accomodate different calendars based on different taxonomies. Any feedback on the site design is welcome.


For a four-day music and entertainement festival in the south of the Netherlands, I have launched a short-term live weblog.
We ar ewith a team of four journalists, one webmaster and six fotopraphers and are filling the weblog and a free daily festival newspaper.
The site is a testcase for me, how live weblogging can be done using Drupal. And if we will manage to somehow syncronise the content in the paper version and the elctronic version. The layout had to be typical "weblog-ish".
I used the 4.5 RC for this, because of the upload facilities.

marvin_2k redesign

So here is my site. It in russian, but still i post a link to it here because i want to show how i redesigned the standart marvin_2k theme.
I've rewriten huge part of css of this theme and i also had to make some corrections in the code of the theme itself.
Main idea, as you can see, is css rounded corners. And also i tried to raise the findability of the content and make easier for the users to focus on specific node in the list of nodes on the page.

Drupal for Collaborative Weblog

We recently re-launched Needlenose our progressive-leaning political weblog based on the Drupal engine. It's a collaborative blog with three main writers and guest contributors. The reviews have been pretty good so far. Based on user feedback, some favorite features are the threaded comments and the 'recent posts' feature.

The old weblog was based on pMachine and it lacked a lot of features we were looking for. It also had some database bugs that once got us kicked off a hosting site when we got too many hits and locked-up their server :-( We didn't even try to migrate the content over from pMachine to the new site (just archived it on the site under 'Classic Needlenose').

We did a lot of searching and finally settled on Drupal. Some tech-notes: it's based on the 4.4.2 engine. Custom theme with some third-party modules enabled (weblinks, news aggregator, etc). We tried to keep the core code untouched since we knew we'd be upgrading to the new engine. We haven't enabled the forums, even though we'd like to, because it doesn't support 'read-only' announcement areas (hopefully in 4.5.0?) The theme is a three-column design, but for now we've only enabled two columns. The third-column will be turned on once we start rolling out plug-in 'block-apps' -- little mini-apps that run inside blocks -- that we've been working on. Drupal's performance has been pretty good so far. It even went through a little spike where we got over 2000 article views in an hour when we got a link from a big news site (on our second day on Drupal, no less!)

new drupal site - another happy customer!

Just wanted to thank the community for making the install and launch for our XBRL community news aggregator (,rss feed and message board so damn simple!

We're still tweeking a bit so comments and suggestions are always welcome..we had only one bug in the archive calendar (which we submitted the fix for) and we're up and running..


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