Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Correct me "Function of Mail alias module " if i am wrong

Mail alias readme file says "a user may associate additional email addresses with his account".
Should associate email address belong to a registered user email address?

What i have tried so far (before that i have a working module of mailhandler and also installed and enabled mailalias module)...
i have an account1 with user email address and account2 another user with email add.



i used drupal a while ago, in the long search for the right cms, but i didin't like it much. But now, with the release of 4.5, i love it:)

check out my site (still work in progress) >

I found the default image gallery too limiting, so i used Coppermine, and managed to set it up so that it looks like it is incorporated within the site, which was quite easy really and gives the result i want

thanks to the developers behind drupal, doing a great job

Kerry Turner - composer, horn player, international performing artist

Hi everybody,

it is my great pleasure to introduce (, the brand-new site for Kerry Turner with information about his compositions and career as a horn player. The site has many great features, including:

- Information about horn playing, composing, the American Horn Quartet, the Virtuoso Horn Duo, Kerry's life and more.

- a large photo gallery

- categorical listing of all his works

- his discography with music samples (including the new recording of the Konzertstück)

- Kerry's personal blog

- forums where one can discuss horn playing, composition, the quartet, life in Europe and much more.

- a calendar with Kerry's upcoming concerts

- contacts and links

The site is designed to be interactive and you will get the most out of it if you sign up for a user account:

If you have an account you can post to the forums and receive email notifications when content that you're interested in gets updated (optional).

If you have questions about using the site you can read this page:

or ask me directly (

Hope you all visit and enjoy!

Themes Garden


I am announcing the betha release of themes Garden. It is supposed to become a themes showcase. A place where we can show off drupal themes. And where we can show how good drupal sites can look.

We (that is you and me) still have to decide general rules for submitting themes. Some general rules I have in mind include "no hardcoded outgoing links", "validation is nice but not required".

free contest for college students & faculty members

Just figured I'd let the Drupal community know that I'm running a free contest open to college students & faculty members.

There's over $250 in cash & prizes.

Some of you may have seen my site before... it was featured on CNN Headline News and discussed in the forums here about a month ago.

Drupal powered site for Veterans

Hi all,
Our site is the Sanilac County Department of Veteran Affairs in Sanilac County, Michigan. (About 50 miles north of Detroit)
I know the design is a little boring, we were more focused on making the information easy for veterans to find and keeping things simple.
Our main users will be local people and the average age of our veterans is 60.
I'm specifically interested in:
1) Is the site easy to navigate?
2) Does it display properly on your screen?


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