Hi everybody,
it is my great pleasure to introduce KerryTurner.com (http://www.kerryturner.com), the brand-new site for Kerry Turner with information about his compositions and career as a horn player. The site has many great features, including:
- Information about horn playing, composing, the American Horn Quartet, the Virtuoso Horn Duo, Kerry's life and more.
- a large photo gallery
- categorical listing of all his works
- his discography with music samples (including the new recording of the Konzertstück)
- Kerry's personal blog
- forums where one can discuss horn playing, composition, the quartet, life in Europe and much more.
- a calendar with Kerry's upcoming concerts
- contacts and links
The site is designed to be interactive and you will get the most out of it if you sign up for a user account:
If you have an account you can post to the forums and receive email notifications when content that you're interested in gets updated (optional).
If you have questions about using the site you can read this page:
or ask me directly (rob@robshouse.net)
Hope you all visit and enjoy!