This forum is for assistance with theme development.

DRUPAL 8 Unable to Save changes on Live server

Hello Fellow Drupalians, I Have spent like the whole of last year learning drupal and its complexity and i thought i was okay, but day in day out i find a technical hitch when building and or working on a drupal site. i am at a point of giving up and demolishing my site and looking for easier alternatives but i came here first. 

DRUPAL 8 Unable to Save changes on Live server

Hello Fellow Drupalians, I Have spent like the whole of last year learning drupal and its complexity and i thought i was okay, but day in day out i find a technical hitch when building and or working on a drupal site. i am at a point of giving up and demolishing my site and looking for easier alternatives but i came here first. 

Atomic Variables drupal 8 theme

Hello, I have a issue with some values that I'm getting with hook_form_system_theme_settings_alter. The point is this:
with this hook, I want to create a color picker with:
$form['color'] = array(
'#type' => 'color',
'#title' => t('Color'),
'#default_value' => '#ffffff',
'#description' => t("choose a color")

then, on the admin panel, the admin introduce the value of the color in HEX. 
In a php file, I can obtain the color value with this:

Two View Blocks don't line up in the same section - - Bootstrap 3 SASS Theme

I am new to CSS and Bootstrap, Kindly bear with me

I have two View Blocks using the display suite view mode of a content type to display as blocks. In Bootstrap Highlight SECTION.

I placed them one after another,  I assumed they will automatically line up in one horizontal row. As the width of First Row is col-sm-6

The next block's width is col-sm-3

but they don't get placed in same horizontal row.

How to theme a form? Render {{form}} elements separately in .html.twig template?

Hello Friends,

I have a simple form named BusinessListingSearchForm.php that looks as follows:

FIXED - 1px height block-header (related to bootstrap theme)


I'm currently tuning a custom theme based on bootstrap.

My issue is that header zone is always at least 1px height, even if empty. You'll see it here just between banner at content.


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