This forum is for assistance with theme development.

D7: bootstrap default menu in sub theme

Hello friends,

I installed Drupal 7 with bootstrap theme. Bootstrap theme has a responsive menu with good features. How can i have same default bootstrap menu in my bootstrap sub theme?

D8: CSS/JS placeholders empty if {{ page }} not output

Hi everyone,

As the title suggests removing {{ page }} from html.html.twig stops any placeholder replacement from happening.

im wondering if anyone has managed to work out why this is the case?

Digging around ive found libraries arent attached to the page thus not processed when {{ page }} isn’t output. But why is this the case? Global libraries provided by a theme are said to be injected on every page handled by the theme. This page is handled by the theme (hence lack of page html output), yet no injection.

It would be great to hear peoples findings on this!

Overriding node add & user registration form

Put following code in your theme's template.php file

Installation from free themes from Drupal Developers Studio


I am new on Drupal.

I installed one of the free themes from Drupal Developers Studio (so great!).

I follow the installation's guide but after all i got the message :

"The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."

I cannot get the admin panel.

And i have no idea of what i could do to fix it.

Is anybody could help me ?

Thanks a lot.

Front End Theming


is there any way to change the id's and class's that drupal creates?

I try to do it with hook functions but I find it very difficult, especially find the right variable[].


Using theme regions in custom module template.

Hello friends,

I recently purchased a theme for my Drupal website. Inside the theme folder there is -> templates/page--front.html.twig & page.html.twig

The a snippet of the <footer></footer> in page.html.twig looks as follows: 


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