This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Altering Password and Confirm Password form fields in the User Registration

Hey Guys,

The Drupal user-interface doesn't provide a way to alter the User name and password fields.

Through using a custom module, I was able to make some changes to the email and username.

However, I have not had luck with the Password and Confirm Password fields.

[Advice] Customize Login, Registration and Password Reset

Hey Guys,

I've been using Drupal 9 for about 5 months now.. I still consider my self somewhere between newbie & Junior level.

I want to customize the Login, Registration and Password reset form..

Attempts so far:

Use Hook or EVA to reference taxonomy within paragraph - SOLVED

Hello Drupal users,

New to Drupal and I need help with this new feature I'm trying to port from my old website.

I've created a new "Film" content type with a "credit" paragraph which works like this :

  • Film
    • Paragraph "Credit" with two fields :
      • "Job" Taxonomy (eg: "Director")
      • "Person" Taxonomy (eg "John Smith")

A film can have as many "Credit" paragraphs as needed.

Create credits for content - SOLVED

Dear Drupal users,

I'm migrating several websites from a self-coded solution (mysql / PHP) to Drupal 10.

It's working great but there is one thing that I can't achieve and is holding me back:

I'd like to create credits for my new content type "film" that I've created.

A credit is composed of a name (John Smith) and a job (Director). And I'd like to have several of those for each film post.

How could I achieve this ?

[Advice]Junior Drupal Dev attempting custom theme Login and Registration Form.

Hey Guys,

Taking on a new task to improve my theming and overriding skills.

I was given a design for the Login, Registration, User Profile and Password Recovery Pages.

I would appreciate it if someone would guide me on the steps I should take to add/ remove fields, change layout, etc, on those various forms.

I have already used the THEME/MODULE_FORM_form_Id_ALTER() Hook, so I have a basic idea of how this hook works.
I'm not sure if I should be even using this hook for this kind of task but I would appreciate any direction.

The most important question - drupal 10.0.2 theme


there I have a very important question. There is the newest version of Drupal 10.0.2 which use version 8.1 or higher of PHP. 

I have checked many templates/themes from the previous version 9.4.5 etc...

And was very surprised, because many of them are not compatible with the newest Drupal 10.0.2. The problem was not with installation themes, but later with adding modules, composer2, and setup setting from the CMS panel (for example ZIRCON - problem with logo, can not add). In one word themes do not work. 


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