This forum is for assistance with theme development.

[Solved] Overrided views exposed filter does not display special chars in select options.

I recently overrided a views exposed filter by converting some textfields to select.

The problem now is html special characters won't display on screen.



Expected Display

Actual Display

The '$' and ',' is removed..

I have even tried htmlentities() but no luck there.
I even tried adding the html code directly

Anybody has any idea what I should do.

Here is some of the code:

[Solved] Junior Drupal Dev attempting to overide a form - textfields to select

Hi guys,

I'm just looking for guidance on how to make some changes to a form..

A client wants a form with select options only.

The fields that are generated from taxonomies give you the option for a drop down, So I'm good here.
However, a few of the form fields by default are text fields.
I've looked into a module solution but better exposed filters don't have a dropdown option for input fields.

What I have done so far?

HTML Head-Tag manipulation in custom Drupal maintenance page

Dear all,

Is it possible to adapt HTML tags (here: HTML HEAD tags) in a custom maintenance page put in the following directory?


How to theme a View wrapping it with a class?

Drupal core ships with a View named "Frontpage" that renders the front page. I set it up to post three nodes on the front page.

I want to wrap it is a flex-class like this:

<div class="d-md-flex justify-content-between">
  <div>First node</div>
  <div>Second node</div>
  <div>Third node</div>

Unfortunately the using "CSS class" under "Advanced" doesn't work, because Views wraps another class between the class added by me and he actual nodes.

Any ideas?

Display author picture on product page

Hi all,

I would like to display the product author's avatar on product page. That is, the user who created the product on marketplace.

I can get username, user ID 
{{ product.uid }} , {{ product_entity.getOwnerId }}

How to get user's picture?

Drupal 10.01, Commerce 2.

Suggestions for breaking node into multiple pages

I find that there seems to be no way to break a long node into multple pages.

There used to be some pagination modules earlier, but Paging and Smart Paging modules never got beyond D7.

I wonder what others are doing to break up pages.

Tbe Book module may be fine when there are chapters, sections, etc.


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