This forum is for assistance with theme development.

custom theme - problem with Commerce module

Hello, I need your help. I am building website build on my own theme which contains e-shop (with Commerce v 8.x-2.31). On my local server everything works great, but when I deploy it to my live test server there is error when I try to add payment gateway for eshop.
In log, there is PHP error with this message:

How to remove normalize.css that comes from core?

I tired

        assets/vendor/normalize-css/normalize.css: false
        misc/normalize-fixes.css: false


        assets/vendor/normalize-css/normalize.css: false
        misc/normalize-fixes.css: false

These lines don't work

Problem with a twig file, converting a Drupal 7 theme to 9

Hi, I'm converting a Drupal 7 site to Drupal 9. It's a fairly simple theme and I've managed to install the theme in Drupal 9. However on going to the site, I recieve this error:

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unexpected token "name" of value "aktiver_link" ("end of statement block" expected). in Twig\TokenStream->expect() (line 8 of themes/mysite/templates/page.html.twig).

Theme node deleted


I created a new theme project called "Portfolio theme explore" but it looks like the node has been deleted thinking "it is spam or something"

If you log in, you can find it from here

Would someone please help and undo the node deletion?

I wanted to make a release and update few things.

Looking forward to your response

Theme development

I accidentally deleted my default frontpage view I was using on a Drupal 9 site, and I can't find how to either recreate it or which path to set on a new view to have it as front page.

How can I achieve this?

Sub-Theme CSS specificity issues


I'm building my own sub-theme to re-brand an installed theme. Mostly, this is working well, but I'm running into issues were my compiled (sub-theme) CSS cannot overwrite the main theme.

It was my understanding that if I copied the main theme's CSS file and put it in my root-sub-theme's CSS directory, that when the theme loads, Drupal loads my changes over that of the theme's... meaning, that it would take my altered file with the same name over that of the main theme.


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