This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Flex is adding white space at top of site


It looks as though Flex is adding a white space of 82px at the top of this site - Incidentally, 82px is the size of the admin toolbar space when logged in.

The issue only occurs when I set the Affix option. After research, I found this page =>

As the theme is based on barrio, I checked it and the “fix” above is included, but the problem remains. How can the white space be removed?

Adding js library to theme

Dear All, I understand that there's a lot of documentation for this, but I can never understand this part and till this day couldn't find a complete example of how it's done.

Simply put, I want to use ScrollReveal in my js for some blocks.

1) I download ScrollReveal in web/libraries folder

2) I go to my THEME.libraries.yml and place

extraneous words either "default" or "hide" appearing on page.

I have a very simple Drupal theme. My page.html.twig files has the following code:

<div id="mc">
      {{ page.content }}

But on the pages, at the bottom, either "default" or "hide" is displayed. It's generated by Drupal, but how? How do I remove it?

Theming's css without boring clearing cache on each change

My goal is to work on theming's css without boring and time-consuming hassle of clearing cache on every small change. I've collected a few pointers that I've implemented, but even now I still have to clear the cache every time. What is missing from these settings?
What i did
1) Disabled the cache in services.yml

debug: true
 auto_reload: true
 cache: false

2) Created the settings.local.php file and enabled it in settings.php

svg logo is not displaying

Hi All,

I've subthemed olivero and am just making a few adjustments. I uploaded an svg logo to sites/default/files and have specified it on the 'path to custom logo' settings field as 'logo.svg'. When I use the browser developer tools to look at the rendered html, I can see that the src for the logo is correct, but the rendered size is 0, so obviously its not displaying anything. Is there something obvious that I did wrong, or will olivero just not display svg logos?


Hi everyone!

i want to ask you something, how can i reduce the height of footer menu on drupal 9? Bartik theme 

Can you show the way to think about these situations?

Thank you in advance!


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