This forum is for assistance with theme development.

How to customise Olivero


I'm not a developer, but I would like to make some minor changes in the Olivero theme.

  • Change primary branding color
  • And center the website horizontally in the browser

How can I achieve the above?

Default content

Hi, anyone know about how to add a default content to my theme?

Site branding href not working


Logo href is not working, it is hard to redirect to the main page.

<a class="logo navbar-btn pull-left px-5 py-3 adm-nf-logomargin" href="{{ path('<front>') }}"  title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home">

      <img src="{{ site_logo }}"  />


also tried /{{ path('<front>') }} and  {{ url('<front>') }}


 <header id="header" class="header navbg    " role="banner">

      <div class="section layout-container clearfix    ">

How to force the display of submenus ?

I have Drupal 9 with the Olivero theme. How to force the display of submenus ?

I want my main menu unfolded in mobile navigation.

This will make navigation on mobile more intuitive and limit the number of actions to navigate.

Here is the HTML code for the collapsed menu :

[SOLVED] display paragraph fields in table

I've been away from Drupal for about 4 years and discovered that Paragraphs is really great but I've hit a dead end.  I've created a paragraph named Habitat that contains 4 fields, type, acres, miles and feet.  As many of the habitat paragraphs can be added to the content type it's associated with. I've been able to override the template with a custom template and have inserted a table but it looks like this:

How do I show a shadow under the Olivero mobile navbar ?

I activated the Olivero theme on Drupal 9.

I added the following code to my stylesheet to pin the navigation bar in mobile mode :

.site-header {
    z-index: 111;
    position: sticky;
    top: 0;

@media (min-width: 75rem) {
  body:not(.is-always-mobile-nav) .site-header {
    position: relative;

Now I want to show a shadow below the navigation bar, when it is in mobile mode. I want the shadow to appear only when the user scrolls down the page. If down 1 pixel, the shadow should appear.


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