This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Twig Tweak 3 and drupal_field in node twig template

I have a Drupal 8 site with Twig Tweak 2 which I've upgraded to Drupal 9 with Twig Tweak 3. This has broken a custom node twig template.

With Twig Tweak 2, this worked:

{{ drupal_field('field_library_photo', 'node' }}

I gather from reading the documentation, this should work with Twig Tweak 3:

{{ drupal_field('field_library_photo', 'node', }}

But it doesn't. As a proof of concept, I hardcoded the node id of one of the library pages:

Template twig not displaying fields

Create a view that invokes a paragraph I built it as a block, create the view as the debugger suggested, but when trying to call the field I can't get it to look at all, try fields.myfield, content.myfield, fields.myfield .content, I would appreciate any help I've been stuck here for a long time, thanks

Only local images are allowed.

Double Search Form


I've placed the default search form in Navigation it is working correctly but when I search for content or a keyboard.

The result page or search result page has 2 search boxes appearing which is overlapping why is the duplicate search form coming on that result page, I want to configure the search form and hide the box in the search result page but I don't know which node or page I need to enter in "Hide for the listed pages".

Some help needed with "Trying to access array offset on value of type null.."

Hi all,

I've been using drupal since drupal 6 and running a custom subtheme based on Bootstrap barrio.  When i started working on the drupal 8 version of my site, i found out i could not access the row output like i could in drupal 7. After some research i found out the following code snippet. That  still works great, but it spams my database log full with the following error:

Logo redirect not working after using TB Megamenu


Site branding block is placed in a different region and menu(Tbmegamenu) is placed in different region but logo redirect stopped working after using Tbmegamenu but before it was working correctly with superfish and normal menu.I have not changed any code in system-branding-block.html.twig. 

 <a class="logo navbar-btn pull-left px-5 py-3 logomargin" href="{{ path('<front>') }}"  title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home">

      <img src="{{ site_logo }}" alt="{{ 'Home'|t }}" />


Question about theme content

Hello all,

I'm managing a site in which I run a subdomain with a diffferent theme and content (NOT a multisite). The question is regarding the admin content shown of each one. In example, this:

  • I've installed reCAPTCHA module.
  • my_secondary_site: The reCAPTCHA module is not there, and I'm unable to install it (even as admin).

Also, I've updated Drupal to 9.3.13 in my_main_site, and the secondary stayed in 9.2.6!. 

I only have one settings.php, and only one folder: drupal/web/sites/default


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