I'm curious what you think of my theme so far. http://osmap.org/pt
It's based off of this mambo theme: http://tema.mambo.gen.tr/index.php?mos_change_template=wds_biznes_a
I wanted the theme to be wider, so I changed that. I had a tough time adding my box shadow effect to the middle column, because I had to add two DIV tags before each block, node, box, etc. Some places I couldn't add the tags, like the "edit" portion of the profile page, even with a custom user_profile.tpl file. Maybe I was just doing something wrong. Anyways, in places I couldn't add those two DIV tags to create the shadow, I made them in the page.tpl.php, and print them only if the q= variable meets certain conditions. I still have more conditions to add, as my middle column shadow box isn't showing up correctly on some pages still, like admin. If anyone knows a more elegant way, feel free to tell me.
I also made a few different color schemes, like orange and green. I think you can see them if you register and go to edit profile. Same thing, just different colors, happier looking.
Do you think it's a good start? I'm keeping it plain for now in case someone else wants to use or is willing to optimize the css and such so it's drupal themes worthy. I will probably add a logo to my site to make it look less cold. Because of the name of the site, it will be a cartoon pigeon like the Animaniacs Goodfeathers, with a city backdrop, something like that...