This forum is for assistance with theme development.

xtemplate engine problems in the system table

I am using the xtemplate engine for my themes.

in the system table of the drupal database, I have one entry for type = 'theme_engine'

It lists its filename as 'themes/engines/xtemplate/xtemplate.engine'

in the same table, system, entries with the type = 'theme', should have their descriptions match the filename of the engine.

With one exception, you guessed it: bluemarine, all of my themes have the discription of 'themes/engines/xtemplate/xtemplate', missing the '.engine' on the end.

Edititng style.css, how do I address <li class="leaf"> & <li class="collapsed">

So I want to make the menu and them like the old site (url with held)... I have the most of it set but now I need to address the

<li class="leaf"> & <li class="collapsed">The default is, well, not my style :-)

Here's what I have so far.

What I'm thinking about is doing some what of a reversal... Dark then light hover.

Help a noob please!

Login at top of theme (How)

I put a login area at the top of the theme. That was easy enough; I just cut&paste the login form from elsewhere. How do I get it to disappear once someone has logged in?


Q: Change theme of homepage with Sections Module?

I have been using the sections module to use different themes for different sections of my site and it works great. The only problem I am having now is getting a theme on my homepage.

For my articles pages I used the following:


and it worked great.

Now for my homepage I am not sure how I could do this. I have tried:


and none of those seem to work.

Any ideas?



I am looking for an custom theme development, if anyone is interested plz do contact me at email

Graphics for the Theme Competition needed

Soon we will be hosting a theme competition with significant cash prizes, thanks to the funds from our involvement in Google's Summer of Code program. I'll be running the competition, and a formal announcement will follow shortly. I need some help, however, as I have very little talent for creating catchy graphics and logos. I'd like some graphics/logos (in the standard formats) to use to advertise the theme competition. The graphics will be used both here and on sites like (they'll be sponsoring the competition as well!)


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