This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Q: Display expanded menu part

I was wondering if it would be possible to have a certain part of my menu display on a part of my page. For instance...

If I have the menu:

  • link 1
  • link 2
    • sub 1
    • sub 2
    • sub 3
  • link 3
  • link 4
  • link 5

Would it be possible to display only the "sub" links part like:

  • sub 1
  • sub 2
  • sub 3

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Civicspace theme

Hi Everyone,

I would like to know if Civicspace theme is working in Drupal 4.7 as of now. The download page says its not yet working but however it is the only theme showing up on Themes> 4.7 download link?



two themes needed for existing sites

I am moving from a phpBB and a static site, to Drupal, and I have been playing with the Drupal Theme Generator, which seems to be a very nice tool.

However, I just don't seem to have a knack for it yet.

Is this a place I can hire someone to make a theme based on an existing site? If not, does anyone know where I can post such a job?

What is the going rate for a theme?

modify date with template.php (?)

I want to put the date, and just the date, in a seperate div in my nodes, and I want it in Month, day, year format.

Can this be done with a template.php file? If so, how?


Looking for design pro


We are redesigning a corporate website using eZ publish and are looking for someone to help us with the design.

The project would include layout, colors, graphics, menus, CSS creation etc. We do have a corporate design guideline that should somehow be applied.

Please contact me at with a brief description of your technical expertise and a couple online work examples.

Thank you,

Sorry for abusing your forum - thanks drupal team.

List of CSS options?

Hi Everyone! Happy Hump day! :)

I have been perusing css files of different themes and its really awesome finding that there is a way to alter not-so-common things like the Read-More link or the #Main .terms class, etc. Is there a list of all of the possible options I have control over on these elements? I have looked ALL thru the Drupal Handbook and didn't see one mention of them, such as the class.

Thanks for any assistance,


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