This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Which of these 3 methods is the best way to create a path to an image?

Let's say I created a new image node whose node id is 233 and the uploaded file name is "example.jpg".

There are several ways I can address this image in my theme and/or node body, including:



Other resources/sites/galleries for themes?

Hi, I've been looking all over the web for a theme I once used (about two years ago) - mostly black with subheads that look like they are scotch-taped to the surface - queried about it here but no luck.

Anyway, are there other resources beyond for galleries/downloads of drupal themes? I've googled much, but am thinking i might have missed something good.


node-blog.tpl.php - need help with a custom php snippet

Is there a way for me to have a php snippet print only after the first blog post (between the first and second posts) while viewing a user's blog list (eg

My instinct is to use the functionality in the pager but my attempts have been unsuccessful.

If it helps I have posted the code from my node-blog.tpl.php below

how to include a javascript inside the Friendselectric theme?

hi All,

Thank you for developiong such a powerfull system, Drupal.
I joust love it :-)

I would like to include a Javascript based navigation into the
Freindselectric theme.

Can you please tell me on how to include a javascript file
within a phptemplate theme.

Any help is well appreciated.


Looking for a theme I had before

Hi- a couple years ago I had a drupal site and a friend found a theme for it that was perfect. It was mostly black and with red headlines (i think) and white type. the headlines of blocks looked like they were "scotch-taped" to the screen. I unfortunately let the site expire & do not have a backup of the theme.

I've searched high and low. I can't get ahold of the friend who originally pointed me to it.

Does this theme ring a bell with anybody? It had a great sort of punk/anarchist feel. hope it's okay to post a question like this in this forum.


PHPTemplate theme in 4.7

I'm wanting to port my CSSimple theme (see to 4.7

So I have a test site running the code I just checked out of CVS. I copy the cssimple theme files into the themes directory. admin/themes sees all the themes. I enable them, and select one as the default. It doesn't switch themes.

Oooohh... it's even deeper, because if I switch to a theme other than mine (e.g. to marvin or pushbutton) it still doesn't change.

I see no errors anywhere I can find.


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