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I'm running a php-template sistem on 4.6 with clean url on. The problem is this:
on some user of the site the sistem return the not found message for "/taxonomy/term/themes/ThemeName/style.css".
This is strange cause the sistem do not recognize the base url path for stylesheet (and for some template image too). How can i solve this? Using a full path for stylesheet, can be a solution? and how i can do this?
Thanks a lot.
Hi! It's weird but when I replace the .png icons of the theme with my own png icons, the transparency is get replaced by a grey field. Evidently I publish my png incorrectly. I export icons from Photoshop CS, i tried several varients (saving with alph field, etc.) but still instead of transparency I get the grey in the browser. Please, advise me how to publish PNG correctly?
We are in need of design help for our charity website. So far I have only used the default theme. Can any guru theme designers help us get the site more professional looking? Thanks so much.
Im getting somewhere with drupal, except the theme part. I've downloaded one of the themes on, (and the phptemplate engine), and i uploaded the files to the themes/mythemes folder (which i created). Now, how do i see it in the administrator menu?
It still only shows the 4 original templates........i know i did something wrong.
I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to make modifications to the display for a teaser in my theme. I am currently working on modifying the layout for a "What's New..." section on a site I am working on, which I want to have the headlines and teasers, plus a "Read More ..." link under the teaser. The "what's new" items are actually blog posts (though I am not sure that is the best way to do this; see comments below)
I figured out after a bit of head scratching and looking at other themes that this can be done as follows:
Put the following line at the bottom of the node.tpl.php for my theme:
<div class="links"><?php print $links ?></div>
This puts links to the blog and the specific article, e.g. "tiff's blog | read more" under the teaser. It appears to get this from the $links routine in /modules/node.module:
// Allow modules to change $node->body before viewing.
node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'view', $teaser, $page);
if ($links) {
$node->links = module_invoke_all('link', 'node', $node, !$page);
// unset unused $node part so that a bad theme can not open a security hole
if ($teaser) {
else {
return theme('node', $node, $teaser, $page);
I want to edit what is returned by the $links variable, i.e., I want to change it from "tiff's blog | read more" to just "Read more..." or something similar, but I can't figure out where the layout information for this is coming from. I'm using a PHPTemplate-based theme.
Hi! I've just started to work on the drupal based project and I'm responsible for the Theme adaptation. I'm acquainted with the PHP but it's far from prof. So I'm working on the XTemplate as it seems to me more stable. I've got a probleme: I really need that the 'primary_links' get the state of 'active' dynamicaly and keep it while I'm in the specified (by path)directory. Almost the same way as 'tabs' work. I've looked through the scripts, but I wouldn't say that I've got the clear picture of how to do it. If you have some ideas, please help me!