This forum is for assistance with theme development.

How to use primary & secondary links on any theme


I am tying to use the links and everytime i get this error. It is happened on any selected themes which have these links. I don't know how to use them. I would appreciate if someone can help me on this and it would be helpful to have code samples if i need to any theme files.

Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /var/apache2/www/modules/system.module on line 649


Dont get how to edit the themes


Ive have used mambo, and then i could open the php templates in dreamweaver, but now with dupral i have no ide how to change the theme. Is there no program that can read the theme files?

Have an annoying bug in democratica theme

Hey folks. The site in question is here:

As you can see, if there is an image in a node that is promoted to the front page, it messes up any nodes promoted below it. I have been wracking my brain trying to fix this and am no longer able to look at code to try and figure it out because my eyes just glaze over at this point.

So tell me, oh wise ones, what is it I need to change to make sure that nodes clear enough to not overlap the node below?

Deleted my admin, created same name account can't find UserID in phpMyAdmin to change

Can someone direct me to where it might be? And what to change exactly?

I need my adminship back ;)

God Bless

I have yet to get drupal running but...

I'm curious if anyone who has done theme developement would know if I would be able to make a theme that looks similar to the way works. Main adverts on the front, then with content on the backend.

Any help would be great, thanks.

Admin pages sometimes break theme

I've created my own theme based on blix and phpTemplate. For the most part it was fairly easy to tweak the styles etc., but I cannot seem to tweak some of the settings tables for the admin pages. I've looked everywhere for the correct css or html element but I can't seem to keep this table from breaking my page. Any thoughts.

- Based on blix
- phpTemplate

Example - Settings Page under the admin block: See image


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