This forum is for assistance with theme development.

IE help for a new theme for drupal

Hi everybody!

I'm developing a new theme for my personal website.
I will realease the theme on when completed.

The problem is that I have problems with IE and Opera
wich doesn't display the theme correctly.

Only firefox does it perfectly.

I'm not an expert in css development in IE and Opera and
I need some hints on solving the problems.

The link to the site is:

I hope someone could help me.
Thank you.

Adapting Democratica Theme

How do I add a banner after the header? In PHPTemplate there is the #header area, but no such thing in Democratica. Also, where do I find the code responsible for the inset blocks in sidebars? Thanks.


changing text field lengths

i've been using drupal for a while now, but relatively speaking, i'm probably still a noob. anyways, i'm working on a two column theme for my site, but when i use any of the administration part of the site with forms on it, they are two long, causing other parts of the site to collapse where they're not supposed to.

adding settings in phptemplate engine

I'm making a theme based on the phptemplate engine. Standard you can set the logo and primary and secundary links. I want to add an extra item on the settings page for the theme. I want the user to change to background.

My question is: is there a way to add settings for a phptemplate engine theme. I saw there was a possibilty with .theme but that doesn't work for me. I get an another page than I defined in my page.tpl.php.

my theme disappear at admin/user section

Hi people

I have a little trouble...

I am modifying the "pushbutton" theme that as you know
is based on the xtemplate system.

Well, my new theme is going perfect but... when I enter in
sections like Admin to administrate the portal or to specify
parameters of my admin count... my theme dissapear!!!

Do you know why it occurs? In the other sections of the portal
everything is going perfect...


Blocks Like

How do I get my blocks to appear like those here? For instance, the "New forum topics" block has a shaded titlebar. My blocks don't have a title area, the title just floats in the sidebar. Thanks for any pointers.



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