This forum is for assistance with theme development.

i want to customize my themes....

i want to customize my themes but when i'am trying to upload a logo it is giving error:directory is not writable,but i've given all the permissions . what to do.....
and i want to cahnge background and everything how can i....
please give me a suggetion

Themes matrixed and reviewed!

Wow! What a great job!!! Can someone add this page to Drupal please?
Deserves more than just a link... should be in a handbook page for 4.6
and useful info for both theme authors/development as well as all levels of users...

Easily making 2 column static content

I've seen a lot of posts of people wanting content that can be in a 2 (or more) column structure, a la most current news sites, particularly sites like The Onion.

This is a feature I wanted myself, and so I wrote it.

I didn't really know what I wanted at first, so I hacked something together. When what I was writing converged with what I needed, I realized that what I had would make a pretty good module.

Ideally the module would have a lot of fancy ways to choose the content, similar to the block administrator. This module doesn't have that. The effort::reward ratio isn't there for me. The fancier the interface, the more restrictive or the harder to use it is. Now, I realize that the way I have it set up is not the easiest to use, because it requires a tiny bit of PHP coding. However, much of the content that is likely to go into such a creature can be summed up in short PHP snippets.

I decided the best course of action was to do something simple and get the module out there. If other people want the slicker interface, perhaps someone else with an interest will take on the effort of writing it.

In any case, I present The Dashboard Module.

Documentation, such as it is, and examples (which are a little better) are available here. I'm using an older version of the same code on my site AssignBlame.

Themabilty of Drupal

Hello everybody,

I am currently developing my own theme and have read a lot in the handbook and a lot more in the API documentation. I am a coder, so that wasn't all that hard, since I am usually interested in how things work and I think, that I understood quite a bit of the theme system.

Now, after all this, I am still fighting to get everything look like I want it to. It's not, that I don't know how to use the PHPTemplate engine (which is a sometimes a bit messy solution, btw), I just don't get all the system styles and hardcoded structure out of my theme. I have even modified the taxonomy.module (Theming node lists) to get more control over what is generated. And as I can see it so far, I will have to modify other parts, just to get a more generalized data output I can work with in the templates.

It's not that I want everything served on a silver tray, it's just that I think that drupal is so well structured and open in it's concept, that it is sometimes really sad to see the theming system to ruin part of that. It is just so overly complicated to get your content where you want it (without writing to much php code) and to style it like you want it, just because there is too much built-in design and style. I know it is hard to do, but there should be a more consequent separation of content, logic (not to be confused with presentational logic) and presentation and there shouldn't be a default style or something like that.

can't see my themes


I downloaded phptemplate zipped it and put it in engine folder, I also downloaded leaf theme and put it in themes folder.

I go to themes, I see no new themes ,..

HelP ........


Themeing forms

I am working on a project (not public yet) in which we have a bunch of custom forms. How can I make the form generation interface layout forms in some way that is not just everything in one big column? I am using a custom phptemplate theme and would like to be able to format forms so that they look the way our designers like them.


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