I've seen a lot of posts of people wanting content that can be in a 2 (or more) column structure, a la most current news sites, particularly sites like The Onion.
This is a feature I wanted myself, and so I wrote it.
I didn't really know what I wanted at first, so I hacked something together. When what I was writing converged with what I needed, I realized that what I had would make a pretty good module.
Ideally the module would have a lot of fancy ways to choose the content, similar to the block administrator. This module doesn't have that. The effort::reward ratio isn't there for me. The fancier the interface, the more restrictive or the harder to use it is. Now, I realize that the way I have it set up is not the easiest to use, because it requires a tiny bit of PHP coding. However, much of the content that is likely to go into such a creature can be summed up in short PHP snippets.
I decided the best course of action was to do something simple and get the module out there. If other people want the slicker interface, perhaps someone else with an interest will take on the effort of writing it.
In any case, I present The Dashboard Module.
Documentation, such as it is, and examples (which are a little better) are available here. I'm using an older version of the same code on my site AssignBlame.