Still on Drupal 7? Security support for Drupal 7 ended on 5 January 2025. Please visit our Drupal 7 End of Life resources page to review all of your options.
i want to implement drupal cms system in my web site and so i want to implement my site's look and feel in drupal cms.please help how i will implement it.
I am nearly finished my first PHPTemplate theme. Its been intresting converting my initial design to it, but I am almost there. All my nodes are themed in a particular way but some fo the static pages I want to me themed diffrently.
For example I want the agregrator to be themed diffrently. How would I go about doing this? An example would be great.
Hi, i want to be able to have rss articles displayed in a style like theregister. that is making them short and snappy blocks of 3 along and many down. how can i do it? i'll need to automatically summarise the length of the article, reformat it, and find a way of building a container for each article. but that should be okay once i've got a way of presenting the overall structure of the articles like theregister.
ideas on a postcard please...
thanks and regards