Hello, I'm very new to drupal.
My problem follows: if I want to style with phptemplate the content generated by a module (ie. trackback module) I have to override the theme_something function (theme_trackback in this case)
To do this I _have_ to declare some stuff in template.php as described here
and create a file called 'trackback.tpl.php' (is this right ?)
The fact is, which variables can I use within this file ? And what kind of object are them ?
I can guess the name of these variables from the parameters in the declaration:
function theme_trackback($trackback, $display_links = TRUE)
but are there others that I can use in the scope of the function ? And if yes, what they represents ?
The question is: where is the documentation for this ? (I know there are too many interrogatives :-)
For basic themeable functions I have a documentation which tell me what are the available variables at what time and the name of the function and function parameters (I mean something like this
The fact is that if a web designer with poor php knowledge wants to style htlm content generate by modules he has to:
1. go through all the php code of the module, find theme_* functions
2. write down the parameters and the variables used
3. look up this variables through all the module source code to see what they are used for