This forum is for assistance with theme development.

how to access modules variables and functions to style generated content

Hello, I'm very new to drupal.

My problem follows: if I want to style with phptemplate the content generated by a module (ie. trackback module) I have to override the theme_something function (theme_trackback in this case)

To do this I _have_ to declare some stuff in template.php as described here
and create a file called 'trackback.tpl.php' (is this right ?)

The fact is, which variables can I use within this file ? And what kind of object are them ?
I can guess the name of these variables from the parameters in the declaration:

function theme_trackback($trackback, $display_links = TRUE)

but are there others that I can use in the scope of the function ? And if yes, what they represents ?
The question is: where is the documentation for this ? (I know there are too many interrogatives :-)

For basic themeable functions I have a documentation which tell me what are the available variables at what time and the name of the function and function parameters (I mean something like this

The fact is that if a web designer with poor php knowledge wants to style htlm content generate by modules he has to:

1. go through all the php code of the module, find theme_* functions
2. write down the parameters and the variables used
3. look up this variables through all the module source code to see what they are used for

Is there a global variable for the path to the active theme's $directory?

The theme I am developing will have several custom icons/images that I am putting in a sub directory called "graphics".

But I can't figure out how do I address these images.

For instance, say I am making a custom template for taxonomy_context_term.tpl.php and I want to use some of my icons, I could hard code it in:

<img src="/themes/mytheme/graphics/edit.gif" />

need a Smarty example

can someone provide an example for using the smarty engine with Drupal?

I want to create a page template that presents the UI for a specific module(only one module will use it). so when I call to display the UI, I'll provide the variable values to the engine which will create the view on the fly

I searched around, there's not much on this topic.

I did tried phptemplate, but I found phptemplate still mixing some UI details(like line breaks, paragraph breaks). I don't want any of these in my code. I want total seperation of UI and Logic.

Create a SVG theme for Drupal

Hi all,

I Was thinking today, wondering if it would be possible to create theme for Drupal that renders output completly in SVG? With SVG coming built in the next Firefox, more and more people will begin incorporating SVG into their websites.

This is not very pratical, I know, but creating a theme like this could really demonstrate the flexibility of Drupal as more than just an HTML content managment system... Drupal could be the ultimate XML engine.

Anyone else thought about this?

node-forum.tpl, index page problems

I created a node-forum.tpl.php file, and got it working (if not styled yet.)

Now on my index page, a forum entry I promoted to the front page is styled line node-forum. (i.e. it took it's attributes.) The rest of the entries are styled appropriately (node.tpl.php).

Is there a way to make my promoted forum entries take on the default of the rest of them?


perl script to download all themes

The following is a perl script which I wrote to download all the themes on the drupal website. You may modify at will.


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