This forum is for assistance with theme development.

XTemplate Error :(

Ok, I was trying to create my theme, what I did was make an html page, and then transfer it over to XTMPL, but when I tried to load it I got a ton of Xtemplate Errors (See for yourself at I did some searching of and found it had to do with the begin and end tags, so I made sure I had everyone that was in the bluemarine template, and it still doesnt work :(.

help pls (newbie)

Im new at theme development.. I want to put a "login | register" n "logout" part to the right top of my page.. what do i have to do ?

global font change??

Painfully new to this. Apologies.
I am trying to configure my Drupal site and I have the (common?) problem with over-large fonts throughout. I would like to reduce all the fonts - content, headers, tabs, etc. - across the platform. I have fussed with settings in my theme file, as well as style.css and drupal.css. No luck. Is there any way to make a global change?
I understand that users are asked to search for an answer before posting. I have been looking into the wee hours. My scalp is barren.
Any guidance would be appreciated.

How to do a complex page?

I am a pretty experienced Drupal developer but I know nothing about themes, I dealt only with modules and core things before. Now I need to create a complex front page.

Here are some ingredients: an HTML file from my client with a lot of boxes (much like and a Drupal module which produces the content to be put into those boxes. So let's say I have vars $box1, $box2, $box3 etc to be put into those boxes. I must use xtemplate. What kind of functions shall I write so that I can write {box1} into the HTML file thus making it a template?

How to remove the User menu?


I would like to remove the User menu from my website pages. My site is a corporate site without user management capabilities, only 'back-end' users will be able to access the site in order to create content.

I have managed to remove the menu from the left hand side...but it gets very troublesome to get to the administration pages (I have to bookmark links for login, create content...).

Is there a "nicer" solution than this?

Phptemplate Vs Xtemplate engine comparisons

With all the recent activity with the Negen9 Xtemplate theme I was wondering if we could make a feature comparison between the two theme engines.


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