This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Newbie help

OK, I'm a complete newbie at drupal. To add to this I've been out of web development for 6 years. I am trying to mess with the pushbutton theme and am totally lost. I've been trying to edit the style.css, add my own icons and background images and such, but it won't let me update the theme. What I get is this:

The directory files/theme_editor/pushbutton_orig is not writable.
File copy failed: no directory configured, or it could not be accessed.
Could not save pushbutton_orig/style.css



Im using drupal. 4.5.2 with kubrick theme. And i would like to know how can i make a daily/article/story look like this:


how do you display a linking freeform list?

Trying to figure out how to display a freeform list with links corresponding to each line (or CSV).
We've been talking about it on .

Drupal is doing it, so why can't we? ... using phptemplate, successfully overriding the user profile template...

Here's what's been tried, note that profile_employer and profile_profession are both names of profile fields specified in the user/profiles admin area, as freeform lists -

<?php if($user->profile_employer): ?>
<div class="user_employer">
<a href="/profile/profile_employer/<?php print $user->profile_employer ?>"><?php print $user->profile_employer ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>

(this creates a link that includes all of the contents into one big link)

<?php if ($user->profile_profession !=""):?>
<div class="user_profession">
<? print $user->profile_profession ?>
<?php foreach ($user->profile_profession as $profession_link):?>
<li><a href="/profile/profile_profession/<? print $profession_link ?>" title="title here"><? print $profession_link ?></a></li>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>

(the first print inside the if statement here was for debugging purposes, it works, just outputs the text, on one line)

$count_total = count($user->profile_profession);
for ($counter=0; $counter<$count_total; $counter++)
$line = each ($user->profile_profession);
<li><a href="/profile/profile_profession/<? print $line ?>" title="title here"><? print $line ?></a></li>";

(this was modified a little to either print the list item line or to contain it within for /endfor, nothing worked)

I've been working on this for a few days now and I'm a bit confused. There have been two errors reported in the site log,

warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /"my account path"/public_html/themes/griffin_phptemplate/user_profile.tpl.php on line 22.

(for the foreach statement try)

warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /"my path"/public_html/themes/griffin_phptemplate/user_profile.tpl.php on line 22.

(for the each statement try)

Formatting guidelines

I'd like to hide the formatting guidelines when posting. I'd like to keep only the link saying "Formatting guidelines". Which template shall I edit? I'm using phptemplate. Thanks!

Buttons on Kubrick theme

Hi folks,

I'm using the great Kubrick theme on my site right now The Green Room and would like to make the menu bar over the mast head into buttons instead of just plain text. Is there any easy way of doing this?

All help greatly appreciated.


Different template markup depending on page view?

I am working on a theme where I need to add an extra div to the following page views:

  • /node/add ...etc/etc
  • /user .../etc/etc
  • /admin .../etc/etc

But I don't want the div on any other views, for instance I don't want the div on


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