I'm using Marvin, but I didn't like the the Forum looked. I wanted to look like peole are use to seeing. Very like the Forum here. So, I browsed through the other themes and found that the Pinpoint theme had a closer to what i was looking for Forum.
So, not knowing any better; I went any copied the extra definations from the pinpoint CSS for the forum and did a paste into the bottom of my style.css. Did a little bit of color changes and presto-mesto. It worked. :-)))
I've been setting up several Drupal websites for a couple of days and have decided not to mess with the code and layouts until I get all the functionality I can from stantard modules and tools available (or I'd have to be messing with the many installations I have).
I looked around and tested all the themes available and finally settled for the pushbutton, but this theme uses large fonts and elements and doesn't look as sleek as other themes around with smaller fonts and better spacing and hierarchical layout.
trying to use map / usemap on multipart logo gif in main header of each page. Since it is the main header it only seems addressable via the logo-loading section of the theme. however, the Map and Usemap html elements are being rejected.
First off I would like to say that I’m happy to be working with Drupal its much easier to understand than many other content management systems. That being said, I would like to extend my appreciation to the drupal developers for their time and commitment.
I just finished my first drupal template that I will be releasing soon under GPL, but I want to cleanup the code a bit, upload it to the CVS.
In my PHPTemplate theme I have added all the relevant stuff and it is working fine at the moment.
However I want to display a message when the breadcrumb isn't being displayed, is there a way i can set this up?
When I say isn't being displayed I mean sometimes the breadcrumb won't be showing but if you dig into the content it shows up, when it isn't being shown I want it to show this message.