On my site I use story nodes and page nodes quite differently. The page nodes are used to display static information that is about the site - it's not really content - for example, the about page. On the other hand, I use story nodes for stories - the difference being that a story has attributes that the user needs to see, such as the date it was submitted, who submitted it, etc -- for example http://classfivenews.com/node/25 (note: currently does not display correctly -- its missing information -- see below).
The problem is that I need to display these two different types of nodes differently. For a "page node" I just want to display the content and nothing else. For a "story node" I want to display the submitter, when it was submitted, the taxonomy terms, etc.
The problem is, there doesn't seem to be a way to distinguish between these two types of nodes in node.tpl.php. i.e. what I want is something like this:
<!-- What can I actually put on the line below to get the result I need? -->
<?php if ($node-type == "story"): ?>
<?php print $content ?>
<?php else: ?>
<!-- show the submitter, date, taxonomy terms, etc -->
<!-- ...ommitted for brevity -->
<?php endif; ?>
Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do?