This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Making center column stretch to page

I'm using xtemplate with three columns. The left and right column automaticall stretch to the proper page length, but the center column only stretches as far as the content pushes it. I can set the lenght/height of the column to get it to stretch to a decent length more in line with the side columns and in IE it will stretch further if the content forces it, but not in Mozilla. In Mozilla it stops at the designated length/height and just cuts out the remaining content.

need help replacing home page layout

I am new to Drupal and am trying to use it to build a community site which I might have built from scratch, but I'm trying Drupal instead because I have a ridiculous deadline. The design for the home page calls for a layout nothing like the default, and I don't know how to change it. I've gathered that in my theme if I make a modulename_page() function, I can control the layout of a specific page, but can't figure out how to do that for the home.

cvs-bluemarine: trying to remove bullets from ul tags.

It seems no matter what I do the list tags in block-list won't drop the bullet. For normal css I'd just set a ul class to remove it, but this doesn't seem to work within the style.css of this theme.

What would the correct method to do this be?

Changing order of masthead menu in marvin_2k

With marvin_2k it nicely puts the active modules that require menus on the masthead, but I don't see where to turn that off for a given module. As it puts all of them up, and in an order it seems to determine the menu gets cluttered.

Can you weight the options so they cascade in a more appropriate order?
Can you turn off some of them?

New Theme Global Settings in 4.5

Just installed the latest CVS and noticed the new "global settings" tab in the themes section - I must say that I like that this is here - as it will help out some basic theme developers that forget to include settings with their themes.

However, since these feature now exists, would it not make sense to have fields such as "site name" and "site slogan" be set here? There is a toggle for these settings on the global settings page, but no place to actually enter the information. And some themes (as I said) forget to include those settings.

Goofy Theme - goofy_box not invoked


I installed the goofy theme 4.4.0 on drupal 4.4.2. In this setup the goofy_box function does not get invoked. Did anyone else noticed this behaviour? If so, it might be a bug.



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