This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Phptemplate vars and methods

I am slightly confused by phptemplate. How am I supposed to know which variables or mathods are available? Is there some reference available?

Also, I wonder if $sidebar_left is atomic - i.e. I cant change the way in which the contents of the sidebars are arranged. A reference would come quite handy here.

I hope the answer to my question is not RTFS ;)

best regards.

phptemplate and internet explorer

For the people using phptemplate i thought i would ask becasue its driving me bonkers.

text field on gallery thumbnail pages?

Is it possible to have a text field - e.g. an introductory text paragraph - on gallery thumbnail pages generated by the image module?

Would this require adding code on the image module or could this be done by an easier method, e.g. using the taxonomy context module?

Hope someone can help,

icon beside albums in image block - taxonomy image module?

How would I go about putting an icon beside the albums listed in my image.module generated block?

I'm thinking I could use the taxonomy image module to do this - associating icons with my albums in the taxonomy image configuration this module adds under admin.
But what code do I need to put in the image.module document to make the icons appear when the page renders?

Hope someone can help,

Flash Theme

I have been considering using Flash for my layouts for some time. The reason? More flexibility with the UI. Easier to add life (animation, effects, etc). Last night I proved proof of concept. There are still a lot of things that need worked out. My plan is to make it for my own sites but if others are genuinely interested then I would do the extra work to make it more generic.

I would like to get a count of users that would really use it to reply here. I am doing a simple version for a paying site and after that I have no work lined up.

Applying for theme development

I'd like to make a contribution. According to the documentation I need contributor privileges. Please review my contribution following this post.


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