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I use Polder (with Xtemplate, maybe...not really sure, but know theme is polder) at
I am trying to figure out **how** to control the width of the center nodes/modules/whatever they are called (stories) because, with a left and right sidebar, it makes the site too big to fit within the window of a browser.
I'm using a custom xtemplate theme on my blog. For some reason, the specfications I set in xtemplate config -- logo, links, so forth -- aren't displaying on my front page. All the others seem to work well. Any guidance?
I want to implement a dirty trick for top DHTML navigation menu, which can be modified by uploading some js/html code. I'm not a programmer so I don't feel like I can wite a module for this menu manipulation which would be the right way of course.
So can I load to theme (for output to html) some code from external file? I use modified Chameleon theme.
I'm not promising anything really exciting (I'm not a web designer by trade), but I've put together over ten xtemplate skins for Drupal 4.4 into one package. You can learn more, see and download them on my weblog (thumbnails lead to larger png's).
I'm trying to find out where is the hook: menus (menus.module and navigation) is giving strange responce with a lot of space before each item in Interlased theme (like there are a left padding 50px for each item), say:
instead of
where is the point? It eats my content! I've tried to find an answer in css but zero. Maybe I missed something?