Okay, I'm breaking stuff. I'm pretty solid on CSS, but I've been a CF programmer for a long time, and I'm new to PhP, so forgive me if I'm asking stupid questions.
The Designers I'm working with have set before me an interesting challenge -- making the title of a section in the blocks areas (right and left side menus) have different styles -- the first word be one color, the rest of the title be another. So, if I were just going to code it, I would have Main Menu or something like that. The trick is to try to get the xtemplate I'm customizing to do that on the fly.
I have been trying to make the template variable {title} into two variables {title_a} and {title_b}. So I started hacking xtemplate.theme. The code I'm hacking is on my line 241 or so, and looks like this:
function xtemplate_block(&$block) {
global $xtemplate;
// create template variables for all block variables (module, delta, region, subject, content, ...)
foreach ($block as $key => $value) {
$xtemplate->template->assign($key == "subject" ? "title" : $key, $value); // TODO: standardize on 'title' (ie. rename all $block["subject"] to "title")
$output = $xtemplate->template->text("block");
return $output;
and to try to create my two title variables, I've created this mess: