This forum is for assistance with theme development.

event module not conforming to theme

take a look at this screen shot
using drupal 4.2.0 and unconed theme. anyone know how to fix that?

Fatal Error with XTemplate Tableless

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: comment_moderation() in /home/virtual/site73/fst/var/www/html/drupal/themes/XTemplate_Tableless/XTemplate_Tableless.theme on line 278

Anythoughts on this one? Everything else works just fine and I love this theme...

No more dots....

How do you get of the ordered lists dots and replace with a small gif in the marvin theme?

BTW, I tried to go through the theme tutorial and none of the instructions worked....

Theme Errors

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: polder_get_style() in /etc/drupal/themes/polder/polder.theme on line 6

I get that Error when trying to access

Any ideas why ? And if so how on earth would I fix it ? I installed Drupal through apt-get install drupal, so I did no manual configuration on it, dont know if that will help but yes.

adc theme feedkback

I installed the adc theme into Drupal but it really doesn't work with Mozilla 1.3 under Linux. Forms are displayed all over the place, often overlapping other pages. Also, the boxes overlap so the Main Menu box (I created) overlaps the edge of the centre box.

If anyone involved with creating this theme is reading this, could you test your theme with Mozilla? I think it has great potential.


interlaced theme

hi im a new drupal user and i like it so thanks

i really wanna use the interlaced theme style3, which i had working on my local test server under ver 4.10

but when i have tried 4.2 if i change the thingee in the line href from default.css

to styles3.css it doesnt change anything but the icon at the top

link href="themes/interlaced/styles3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
as it sez in the INSTALL

so all i have is an orange or the anime grrl icon over the default blue theme

any suggestions


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