This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Bug in Tableless.theme (i think so)


There is a bug in tableless.theme:
In "create a story" some forms with Disable/Enable
checkers are not viewed (in Mozilla).
Those forms are named : Story status / set public / promote to.../static on... / revision...

So i see only titles of forms :(

when changing a theme all became correct.

setting body id in theme

I have developed a css based tab menu where the currently viewed page is highlighted, this is done by giving the body id a unique id relevant to the content. You can then in the stylesheet use:

body.index li#index { background: red; } li#reviews { background: red; }

Therefore when the body id is set the same as the button id, the button is highlighted! Anyway the problem is generating the body id. I'm going to add a variable node_id which can be added to static/ menu nodes. It's getting it into the theme environment that baffles me.

If anyone can offer some assitance I would greatly appreciate it.

enable_taxonomy_link in polder.theme

Does anyone else have trouble getting enable_taxonomy_link to work in Polder? I'm getting an error about bad arguments to links(), which appears to originate with a call to polder_get_taxonomy in which $term->name and $icon_name are not defined. But I'm not sure whether this is caused by bug or if there's just some admin setting that needs to be turned on. Any ideas?


Print Mission on the Front Page


Some people may like to know how to print the site_mission (as set in the site settings) to the front page of the theme. This will give you a message on the index page (like on that you can edit just by editing the site mission.

Here is the code:
//if we are looking at the index.php page with no QUERY_STRING then print the site_mission
if(substr($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], strrpos($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "/") + 1)=="index.php" && !$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) print variable_get("site_mission", "");

Need help for new theme

Hi all,

I'm new to Drupal and would like some help with a theme that I'm creating for my site.

So far I've managed to get things working quite well despite a complete lack of PHP, CSS, HTML experience. In the past I've depended on WYSIWYG editors to produce my site, but I was getting very frustrated with finding solutions to my requirements. I stumbled across Drupal when reviewing several CMS's and so far it's the one that has allowed me to make the most progress (as a complete novice). I've spent the last week emersed in CSS and have a reasonable grasp of what I can do now, which leads me to my question/problem.

I want to put the main navigation menu (home | archives | blogs ... etc ) into a vertical list rather than the current horizontal form. If you take a look at my site so far - you can see that the nav menu is on the right above the other 'blocks'. I know I can customise the nav menu names, and I can see the code in the .theme file that produces the nav menu, but I can't seem to make it vertical. I have tried a list style in the CSS, but that didn't do anything. The site is tableless and styled purely with CSS except the picture gallery, and best viewed in a modernish browser (IE 5.5, Mozilla, Safari ...)

Any help and suggestions for the theme are welcome. I hope to release the theme with variations once it's completed.

Hacking themes - a begginers question

I'd like to create a theme around XTemplate_tableless. Initially I just want to change add/or add colours to the theme, which I guess I do by modifiying the .css page. But eventually when I figure things out a bit more I might want to make more substantial changes

My question is, is there away that I can "inherit" the XTemplate_tableless theme to create my theme rather than hacking the stuff in the XTemplate_tableless directory?


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