This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Bootstrap4 subtheme import bootstrap4 style issues

I hope this is the right place for this. I am trying to subtheme bootstrap4. I have changed all the necessary files to my theme name and have my new theme installed and set as default. The site renders without any styling whatsoever. After reading the README again I discovered I needed to update an import in the scss/style.scss file. I have tried every known possible combination of my site relative paths but I cannot get this to work. Can anyone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong?

According to the readme...

Accessing themed node variables from ".theme" file

Bootstrap Barrio exposes a number of node variables to its node twig file, for example author_name, a themed author name field, and date, which is also themed. 

I'd like to ultimately access these fields from a custom-block twig file, which I've themed. However, author_name and date don't get passed through to the block twig by default, only the node twig, so I assume I have to pass it on myself from my sub-theme's .theme file in a preprocess_block.

Layout Builder - How to customize column widths?


I am using the Layout Builder module to create a custom content type.
When configuring a section with multiple columns, is it possible to add custom column widths (even by downloading another module)? If so, how do I do it?


_page.html.twig not updating website

Hello! I am new to Drupal, and I'm creating a custom theme based on a Bootstrap Bario subtheme on Drupal 8.
I can update the CSS with no problem, but I first need to clear the cache before reloading the page (which gets annoying, is there a way to avoid that?).

This is how the theme's regions are arranged:

Drupal 8 header.html template by Taxonomy


The content on our website is structured by Taxonomy.

The marketing department wants a particular header region by taxonomy.

How could I combine the templates of region and taxonomy?



How to display the TWIG code if the result is not 0 ?

I have a TWIG template in Drupal 8. The "dangers" value is incremented according to the result of each view. How to display the TWIG code if the result of "dangers" is not 0

I tested this code 

{% if dangers > 0 %}

but it doesn't work :


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