This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Taxonomy pages


how can I edit the taxonomy pages? If I click on a term the resulting pages look not the way they should.

Scroll jump after ajax request

I have a problem with an Ajax view. I have a SearchAPI Block and whenever I change the filters the block reloads and the page scroll jumps randomly. This problem does only appear when the page is short enough. I have another Search API Block at a different page of the same Drupal installation but with more other blocks under that than just the footer.

I do not think that it has anything to do with the settings of my SearchAPI or even the Infinity Scroll Module. I think it happens when the page is not really long and Ajax adds some new DOM Elements.

Generate Press Premium Theme and plugin not updating


i have been using generate press premium theme and plugin in my Blog. i have got a problem, as i couldn't update the plugin. Icleared the cache logged out and logged in, still getting the same error. Can  anyone help me sort this out??

Bootstrap - Override timing of menu toggle animation

Using Drupal 8, and customizing a subtheme based on Bootstrap 3.

When I click the mobile menu button (button element with the "navbar-toggle" class), the menu appears, but does it a bit too slowly; I need to reduce that time (or bring it to zero, need to see how it goes, to decide), but am unable to do so.

I've seen that when the button is clicked, the div of the menu

<div id="navbar-collapse" class="navbar-collapse collapse in" aria-expanded="true" style="">

Errors in .theme file when starting session

hello I am using drupal 8.6.2 and every time I login I get the following error in the .theme file 
If I update the page the errors do not appear again while I'm in the session

Thank you very much for the help you can give me.

Articles title not showing after installing a bootstrap theme

Hi, I'm new to drupal and I just installed a radix subtheme based on bootstrap 4. Everything was going fine but now the front page isn't displaying the titles of my articles. What can I do about that ?



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