This forum is for assistance with theme development.

How to remove the div around the rendered entity ?

I want to display the rendered entity of a group in the TWIG of a node.

In my type of node, I have a field that refers to the rendered entity of the parent group node--article--menu.html.twig :

{{ content.group_content }}

Here is the contents of the TWIG file of the group, the node must render this code without additional markup group--personnel--node-menu.html.twig :

"My Account" missing label

I'm working on a custom Drupal 8.7.8 theme, and have run into an odd issue: the user name in the "My Account" item is missing. The user icon is present, just no text, and it is misaligned.  The source code is as follows:

	title="My account"
	class="toolbar-icon toolbar-icon-user trigger toolbar-item ally-focus-within"

I have removed some ARIA information and some data attributes for legibility.

How to print the group ID in TWIG ?

I installed the Group module on Drupal 8 :

If I add the code {{ }} in the TWIG of the group, it does not display the ID.

How to print the group ID in TWIG ?

Barrio Bootstrap wrong path

Hello! I use the Barrio Bootstrap  SASS Subtheme. I got an error, cause is wrong. The library directory is in sites. Whère can I fiix this?

How to Call Image from a Page or Product into Javascript

Hi, I am new to Drupal and decided to kind of jump in the deep end. I am developing a kind of portfolio site for myself using Threejs.

I am trying to call my featured image from a product, page, or post as well as the url to the page its located on, into javacript.

If someone could please point me in the right direction, that would be great. Thank you.

Regions not showing in block regions demonstration section.

I'm trying to add more regions to a sub theme (barrio).

I have added the region to the region section 

  main_header: 'Main header'

in the _page.html.twig file I added:

        {% if page.main_header %}
        <div class="container-fluid">
          <div class="row">
            {{ page.main_header }}
        {% endif %}

The region is appearing on the structure/block page. 


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