This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Selecting only a specific type of CSS

I want to specify CSS for only the content of my website, but it doesn't work. Can someone correct my error(s)? Thanks!

a.content:link {
  color: yellow;


a.content:hover {
  color: red;

a.content:active {
  color: yellow;

D7 bootstrap hamburger mobile menu problem


I am in charge of the SEO of some websites using drupal7 with bootstrap theme.

On 2 websites I have some problems with the header hamburger mobile menu and

the menus are not locking on both website and it seems there is also a displaying issue with the slider on the first site...

Can someone help me to find where and how to fix that?


New to D8 and Twig, need local dev suggestions

Howdy all...

I've got a local environment with MAMP, Codekit and using Visual Studio Code. I've got my Pantheon site running locally, but whenever I edit a twig file, I can't get the changes to show up on the live reload. I have to commit and push and clear caches on the dev server. 

What am I missing so I can do local dev? I want my edits to the twig file to show up locally on live reload.

Thanks in advance, y'all!!

Display article field image in custom header block

I'm building my first custom theme, and I'm a big stuck on a custom function. I'm trying to program my article pages to pull field images (associated with that specific article) into the header. I'm new to PHP and not sure if that's where I'm going wrong.

**FYI I've edited the actual theme name to "THEME" in the function below.

Form alter with unique form id's


I am using the following code to alter a form:

load custom twig depending on a field value


I have a news website and I want to print the node's page each time in a different way depending on a field value.

The problem

I have a content type named "Article" in the article there are a number of fields that are going to be visible/invisible depending on a field called "Theme" (Conditional fields) also the "Theme" field is responsible to determine the twig that is going to be used.


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