This forum is for questions about translating the Drupal user interface. See also the Translations group.

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The Translations forum is for those translating the Drupal user interface. You may post about how to use our translation tools and fixing problems associated with our translation tools.

Drupal 10 - Not importing translations for English and Admin Interface not displaying in English

Dear experts,

I have a fresh install of Drupal 10 in ddev. I installed the site in German and have the standard language set to German with German and English being enabled and German having higher priority. Users may select their language.

I'd like the admin pages to be displayed in English (German is terribly confusing.   ;-))

However, my install does not seem to have a setting for the language of the admin pages.

Regarding enabled modules, I have "Interface Translation" turned ON and "Configuration Translation" and "Content Translation" turned OFF.

Content in both languages is shown on both pages


My www is in 2 languages. I have 1 problem. Content in both languages is shown on both pages. I need to separate content in 1 language to the same language page e.g. content in the English language should be shown only on the page in the English language. Please advise me on what might be the problem. Thanks

How to properly use select Language on edit content page?

On content edit page there are tabs

  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Revisions
  • Translate

One can add a new language in Translate section.
But what does it mean — language selector in edit section?
Just selecting it into another language leads to move the current content into another language in Translate section, whereas supposed behaviour is to add the another language content.

Language detection and links on content pages

Hi there, everything good?

Trouble on sorting by translated field on views

Hello, i`m using views on Drupal 9 to display some blocks, on those blocks i have a field called weight, this field is used to order the content in the view and can be translated, but in the view if the field is translated it is ignoring the translated value on sorting and sorting by the original value, anyone know how can i order by the translated value?


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