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I need an Array of the query-parameters. However, when I tried to get all the query parameters via the request-object, it returned two parameters, that didn't belong there: "destination" and "_exception_statuscode". Is there a way to get the original query from the request object?
Hi team.
I'm using Entityqueue module with Drupal 9, and I am in the process of upgrading to Drupal 10. As part of this upgrade, I have installed the Upgrade Status module. However, I encountered the following issue: Call to static method load() on an unknown class Drupal\entityqueue\Entity\EntitySubqueue.
I want to change the comments order based on a field value but I am unable to change it I have tried so many hooks but none of them are working as I wanted
here are some examples which I tried
function hook_entity_type_alter(array &$entity_types) {
if (isset($entity_types['comment'])) {
// dd($entity_types['comment']);
$entity_types['comment']->setHandlerClass('storage', 'Drupal\test\TestStorage');
function hook_preprocess_comment(&$vars) {
My general question is how to get file from Drupal to external system (java).
1. In Drupal webform module i submit a form with an attachment.
2. Using /file/{file}: GET, rest endpoint, basic auth i receive url "url": "/system/files/webform/wniosek_o_dostep_do_informacji_p/_sid_/dodaj_zalacznik.ods"
3. I try to call this url http://{}/system/files/webform/wniosek_o_dostep_do_informacji_p/_sid_/dodaj_zalacznik.ods from java client and always get 403 error acces denied.
Hi, I've been working on an offsite payment gateway module. I reached upto the point of redirection, but I cannot receive a proper successful order becoz I hit this error just during the redirection back to site happens. I checked log report, found this:
Path: /checkout/16/payment/return. Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException: in Drupal\Core\Routing\AccessAwareRouter->checkAccess() (line 118 of /...../core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/AccessAwareRouter.php).