This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Error 503 Backend fetch failed Backend fetch failed Guru Meditation: Varnish cache server

I recently deployed my Drupal 10 website on OVH, making it accessible to the public. However, when I test the form (Webform module) which includes a field for uploading a file, upon clicking the 'submit' button, an error appears on the page: Error 503 Backend fetch failed. Guru Meditation: XID: xxxx Varnish cache server.

The form is a 'Webform' module in Drupal 10. It was working correctly in my local environment; I was able to submit the file without any issues. However, now that it's in production, when I test it, I encounter this error

Issue with RSS Feed Validation Errors Preventing site's Google News Appearance

Dear Drupal Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to report an issue I'm encountering with the RSS feed generated by our Drupal site, which is affecting its appearance on Google News.

I have successfully published our site on Google News following all the required procedures. However, upon further inspection, I have discovered that the RSS feed generated by the Views with Feeds module is encountering validation errors. These errors are preventing our site from appearing on Google News.

Using the Cache API for Entity Caching


I am reading up on the Cache API, and have a question about caching users (or objects in general) in the DB, i.e. the cache_default MySQL table.

Please consider the following simple function to retrieve a User object (I know this type of code should probably live in a custom service, but am using a function here, just for clarity):

Media Module Plugin

So we have our oembed podcast player which works on websites if they have HTML editor.

However we have a client who uses Drupal and we would like to officially support the community. 

I have downloaded the Soundcloud media module - which is awesome start for us, as we can rip it apart and build the parts that we need. However I am wondering if anyone has skill set in working media and modules. Is there any well documented how-to develop for this area of the Drupal system?

Displaying key values instead of values from multi-select


I want to display the values from a multi-select field.   I am able to display the key values ( 'cell_phone' instead of 'cell phone', for example.  I'm also getting a warning on the cat_type : " Undefined array key "cat_type"has not been defined." I thought I defined it.

This is the code.

What is causing the error and how can I get the values instead of the keys?

Thank you

Is there no ability to search this forum?

I  do not see a way to search this forum for a topic that may answer my question. Am I missing something? Do I really have to go page by page to try and find a possible relevant question?



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