This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Conditional redirect on user register form

Hi everyone

This code is working for user login, but not when registering a new account.

I'm trying to override the destination redirect if the value is '/home':

CKEditor5 styling issue

"I cannot get Drupal to render the styles included in CKEditor 5. For example, the following content:

Views Bulk Operation action script to download files in bulk

Hi All

It will be highly appreciated if anybody can provide VBO's action script to download files in bulk.

Thanks & Regards

Sitewide values avaiable in GUI and twig templates

Hi All,

I feel like this should be something fairly simple and I'm just not realizing the answer or asking google the wrong questions.

Exported configuration (of a paragraph) not imported


I have a problem : I exported the configuration of my local web site, specially the configuration of a paragraph which is present on my local web site and when I import on my web site dev environment the paragraph is not present. I check the configuration files of the paragraph on my local environment and I can see them. Also I check the files on my dev environment and I can see them, but after drush cim on my dev environment I didn't see the paragraph in the admin of drupal. 

The name of the paragraphs is 'onglet'.

Queries on Drupalization of the SOAP call

$soapMessage = <<<EOT
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:int="">
        <testAddress>00, Test Avenue</testAddress>


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